Sleep Guides

Pacifier weaning

The Early Morning Guide

I am so happy for you and your family to say goodbye to early morning wake-ups by teaching your little one sleep later using this step by step guide!

Early morning wake-ups are one of the most common sleep issues I see, and it can be one of the more challenging to resolve.

here can be multiple reasons your child is waking up early, all are listed in the guide!

In most cases it is usually a combination. This Early Morning Guide is quick and easy to navigate and implement.


Newborn Sleep & Feeding Guide

This is the ultimate guide to newborn sleep and feeding. With over 30 pages of jam packed of everything you need to know about newborn sleep and so much more with a gentle and responsive approach.

5 key areas of your newborn’s sleep

  1. The foundation of sleep – This section explains sleep environment, swaddling, wake windows and safe sleep
  2. Development – What to expect month by month, sleep regressions etc 
  3. Feeding – How much, how often, hunger cues etc
  4. Medical – Refulx, Colic, gas & spit up etc
  5. Routines  – Feeding routines, bedtime routines and how to’s


Pacifier weaning

The Pacifier guide

The pros and cons, gentle weaning & teaching your Child to independently manage it.

The pacifier can be a great calming and soothing tool for newborns, however there can come a time when the pacifiers is more of a hindrance than a help. It is at this time you need to decide whether it stays or goes.

Questions to ask to help you decide wether to keep it or ditch the pacifier. 

Gentle weaning techniques 

Find and replace how to 


The Gift of Sleep

Give the gift of sleep and better health with this Sleep gift card.

Name your value, prices start at $100
